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BlackBerry IVY: Smart Phone Capabilities in Cars
From the palm of your hand to the heart of your drive: envision a world where your car operates with the same intuitive intelligence as your smartphone. Dive into the groundbreaking convergence of automotive and cloud technologies, and discover how industry giants like BlackBerry and AWS are steering us towards a seamlessly connected mobility future.
BlackBerry IVY® is designed to be a universal platform that can run in every domain of a vehicle. This means it can operate in the cockpit, in the advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), and control the gateway. This universality allows third-party developers to create software sensors that can be easily integrated into the vehicle.
These software sensors can gather and process data from the vehicle, providing insights that the application needs. For example, a developer could create a software sensor that monitors tire and brake wear, predicting when these components might need replacement based on the driver’s habits. This is achieved through machine learning models that run in the car and are translated into IVY.
Another example is secure payments. Through IVY and machine learning sensors in the vehicle, payment authentication and merchant identification for the car can be provided. This makes the car’s payments as secure as a credit card authenticated by a…